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제    목 Thyroid Lab - Full Result of GWAS on Thyrid Function and Anti-TPO Antibody Positivity 의생명연구원
작성자 김수경 등록일 2014/03/13 조회수 2705

1. full.results.tar.gz  파일

The full result including SNP rsID, position, beta, se, P values of genome-wide association study on thyroid function (TSH and free T4), and anti-TPO antibody positivity is attached.

You can download the file (full.results.tar.gz) and unzip using linux command "tar -xzvf full.results.tar.gz".

The data and related article is under review in Human Molecular Genetics.

Please contact Dr. Soo-Heon Kwak, shkwak at snu dot ac dot kr.
